Bible Verses About Time: 12 Important Scriptures
Time, that unique and ubiquitous principle which has been present throughout all of history, is certainly depicted in a beautiful and wise manner in Scripture. In the Bible, we find the themes of orderliness, organization, diligence, patience, perseverance, and trust intersecting with the subject of time. From how to spend our time, what shouldn’t change …
Bible Verses About Humility: 12 Important Scriptures
Biblical figures who portrayed great humility are Daniel, the apostle Paul, Mary, David, among others. Not by coincidence, these are also some of the most conspicuous individual in the Bible, who also pleased God the most. We learn that is important to such a high degree, that an absence of humility can impede salvation and …
Bible Verses About Political Leaders: 10 Important Scriptures
The Bible provides solid, amazing guidance regarding political authorities on this Earth. Depending on where what country we’re on, we might have a president, a prime minister, or even a king, as it is in some parts of the world. A lot of the Biblical guidance regarding political leaders on this Earth stems from the …
11 Bible Verses About Equality – What Does The Bible Say About Equality?
In our world, there’s certainly inequality, which disparities such as socioeconomic class, race, gender, or skin color tend to create in whatever society we might live in. But the Bible teaches a beautiful, and cogent picture of equality. Despite social cleavages that are very much present in the midst of us, Scripture conveys that still, every human is …
Bible Verses About Salvation: 20 Important Scriptures
There are many Bible verses about salvation in both the Old and New Testament, being mentioned more than 40 times. We find the word salvation in the context of military battles in the Old Testament, and in the spiritual sense in the New Testament. In them, we find the beauty, uniqueness, and what kind of …