Bible Verses About Heaven: 13 Important Scriptures
Mentions of heaven are found in various parts of the Bible, most of which are in the New Testament. Being the beautiful goal of every Christian, we find descriptions of heaven, who is going to heaven, what is in heaven, how different will heaven be from Earth, the focus we must have on this goal …
Bible Verses About Justice: 12 Important Scriptures
The most beautiful and powerful statements about justice ever written in the world, are in the Bible. The 10 Commandments have shaped what justice means around the world, and the Biblical perspective on justice remains eternal and beautiful. The definition of justice in the Bible is a bit broader than the ideal that circulates in …
Bible Verses About Generosity: 12 Important Scriptures
Generosity, an often forgotten ideal, is found in various parts of the Bible. It is indeed important in the life of a Christian. Both Daniel and the Lord Christ exhorted us to help others, as doesn’t always have to do with money at all, but can be giving people other valuable resources such as time. …
Bible Verses About Love: 12 Important Scriptures
The most beautiful statements about love are found in the Bible. This shouldn’t surprise us, as God is love. Love is the central theme and main trigger of God’s actions in the Bible, and it has driven most of Biblical history. Regarding the gift from God that is love, the Bible lets us know who …
Bible Verses About Joy: 14 Important Scriptures
In human life, it seems that happiness is what most people pursue, through the attainment or achievement of particular desires, goals and wishes. Perhaps it is a job, a car, moving to another country, getting into a particular college, or even marrying someone in particular, and while the list could continue, what the Bible has …